Friday, June 19, 2009

What I am up to

Literally thousands of my screaming fans have been begging to know about what I have been doing. Well, no…Literally dozens of my closest friends have been clamoring…no, not really accurate, either…Okay, my friend Jen suggested I link to my latest E2 articles and so forth and issue a little update so’s you can read some of my latest work, if you are of a mind.

A daylog (think: blog) post for E2. It’s an interesting historical parallel.

Three short articles I did for E2 based on the game Portal. These will make LESS sense if you aren’t familiar with the game.

A funny one from E2 about the word Gnarly. Like, totally!

A little article about a scary ghost from Guam. This is the kind of thing you learn about when you hang out with someone of Guamanian heritage. And did you know that the demonym of Guam is guamanian? Isnt that interesting?

Oh, and I have written a few in my blog:

but you know that, since you are here. Read! Enjoy!

And also I’ve been hard at work on my book…Encyclopedia of Beings, to be illustrated by my dear Suzi E. If the winds are blowing the right direction, and I can get it to output in the right format, I should be sending it to the printer by early next month!

and now, an utterly gratuitous picture of a slinky blonde!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Your slinky blonde reminds me of some car commercial from the mid 1980s where a guy is driving an open-top car somewhere in California. It's shot from behind, and sitting in the passenger seat is a blonde with her hair flappin' in the breeze. Then when the camera came around to the front, the blonde is revealed as -- an Afghan hound! No explanation as to why an Afghan hound would date a guy in an open top car, though.